Oregon, the Evergreen State, with hillsides covered in firs as far as the eye can see. A majestic icon of strength, durability and medicine used for thousands of years. It’s wood is used to build and heat our homes, it provides a habitat for forest creatures and our native ancestors knew of her medicinal qualities that healed their wounds and helped them stay healthy during difficult times. And, while some powerful medicines can be made from the evergreen tree, perhaps the best medicine is simply spending time with her in the forest. The Japanese call this shinrin-yoku and it was inspired by ancient Shinto and Buddhist beliefs. The practice of forest bathing, using all of our senses while being in nature, has been shown to decrease stress and improve immunity.
Fall is a beautiful time in the Pacific Northwest and as many of you know, I live simply, nestled among the trees of my forest. My daily time spent among the trees and other forest life creates balance and helps me stay grounded. You’ll find me most mornings meandering the forest paths trailed by my three cats. They enjoy forest bathing too and I’m quite sure that breathing in the clean air and being close to nature is what helped heal their respiratory issues when they first arrived on my farm. As some may remember, CeCe was quite ill in her first few months with us. Knowing they enjoy being in my company as they frolic and climb trees has brought much joy to my daily walks.
Our morning walk
Spending time in the forest heals my spirit and inspires me to create new products, although I rarely share this side of who I am with others. I enjoy a unique relationship with the plants and animals here and it’s through this relationship with them that new ideas for product emerges. Fir is on my heart this Fall.
Labor Day 2020 brought with it a historic wind storm, coupled with extreme dry conditions that ignited a series of wildfires that destroyed homes, animals and acreage, displacing families throughout a vast swath of it’s path. It seemed the entire West Coast from California to Washington was on fire with unfathomable loss. The Sun was blocked turning day into night, skies were red and our lungs were filled with smoke for days as the devastation unfolded. Finally, after days of smoke and uncertainty, we were doused with a quenching Oregon rainstorm clearing the smoke and dampening the wildfires.
When the smoke had cleared enough to go into the forest, I gathered some fallen boughs and gave thanks to these trees who lost their lives. Trees are the lungs of the forest, sweeping the air with their branches clearing toxins and particulate much like our lungs do each time we inhale. Evergreens have an infinity for the lungs as evidenced by the Doctorine of Signature. Evergreen oil can be used much like a vapor rub to clear congestion while the volatile oils soothe the lungs.
From this experience my Evergreen soap was created along with a soothing bath salt and a beautiful fir needle infusion for a lotion or vapor rub as we go into Fall and Winter. It is soothing for me to create something healing from this incredible loss. I am much more aware of the sweet fragrance of fir, giving thanks for the new baby trees who will become the new vista of green on the hillsides of this beautiful State. I’m Grateful Regeneration is embedded in the blueprint of life.
Limited Edition Evergreen Soap 2020 is available on the website