Natural, Handcrafted Luxury Goat Milk Soaps & Herbal Products
Hello and welcome to R & J Riverbrook Farm!
I’m Becky, the soap maker and creator of the products in this store. My husband and I are homesteaders on a 29 acre parcel of land in the Chahalem Valley of Newberg, Oregon where we raise Nigerian Dwarf Goats.
I began making soap in 2014 as a way to use the extra milk and fell in love with the process of converting our creamy milk into lovely confections for the skin. Over the years my products have evolved as my skill level’s grown and today I make a variety of soaps and herbal products that express my love of the natural world. My products are crafted in small batches with mindfully selected ingredients, many grown here on our botanical sanctuary. I hope you love the products I’ve created and enjoy a new level of self care.

Workshops for Health & Wellbeing

Soaps, Lotions, Food Preservation, & Wildcrafting
We offer many workshops throughout the year to encourage and empower you to take control of your health and wellbeing. Take a look at our current offerings and see if you feel inspired to learn a new skill.