Natural, Handcrafted Luxury Goat Milk Soaps & LOTIONS

Our  goat milk soaps and lotions begin with fresh, creamy goat milk from our small farm in the Chehalem Valley of Newberg, Oregon. We chose the Nigerian Dwarf breed of dairy goat for our products because of the high fat content of their milk.  We believe this is what makes our soaps and lotions so luxurious!

We source certified organic, sustainably harvested, and fair trade oils and butters to create our soaps, lotions and body care products because we believe that what you choose to put on your body is as important as what you choose to put in it.  

Pure essential oils, natural botanicals and colors round out our ingredient list bringing you a quality product crafted in small artisan batches. 

Workshops for Health & Wellbeing

Soaps, Lotions, Food Preservation, & Wildcrafting

We offer many workshops throughout the year to encourage and empower you to take control of your health and wellbeing. Take a look at our current offerings and see if you feel inspired to learn a new skill.

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